
Yesterday we left Wasserbillig and continued on the road to Vianden.  Such beautiful scenery but we were disappointed we hadn’t just driven a little further along the road where we would have found several much nicer camping grounds than the one we stayed at in Wasserbillig, but you just don’t know what is around the corner.  We don’t have any internet or phone access on the move and are relying on getting wi-fi at camping grounds which  gets expensive when you are paying a couple of euro a night, but it means we can’t find anything and have to resort to old methods of roadside signs as we drive.

Vianden is a really lovely little village down in the valley where the huge imposing castle looks over it.  We had a coffee down in the village before walking up to the castle and having a look around.  Very cheap to get in – only 6euro each which is so reasonable.  The castle was started in about 850 but was fully built by about the 12th century.  It went into a very bad state of disrepair over the centuries as it was passed from one ruler to another.  By the 1900’s there was rooves missing and walls lost, so in about the 1970’s the castle was taken over by the Luxembourg government, who rebuilt it back to what the believed it had been like – from paintings and drawings done over the centuries.  An amazing and impressive castle.

As we walked around the castle we witnessed an American fellow proposing to his girlfriend which was so lovely.  They were from Oklahoma.

We spied a lovely looking campsite from the castle so stayed there last night and since it is so lovely and peaceful we may stay again to night and what is on the agenda for today…….Nothing but sitting and enjoying the peaceful setting.  Although I have to say the little river looks almost deep enough to swim in – so if it gets warm enough we may just do that as swims have been few and far between since leaving Aus.

7 thoughts on “Vianden”

  1. Climb to the top of the Heilberg castle for me as I was with mum couldnt and stick you head in the monkey statue on the bridge
    And please arrange to be close to germany ( barvaria ) for Christmas Markets

  2. Hi Guys
    Looks so great where you are but how do you get Scot to visit so many castles remembering allan in europe saying if i see another bloody church i’m going home. Maybe that was because we only had 4 weeks in the south of france. Castles are far more interesting but some churches do tell a interesting story also as mum and i found out during our travels in Europe esp in colonge take a look i believe if i remember one spire was bombed and rebuilt. You will certainly know where to get the best coffee in Europe ( there is a book )
    Still missing you both

    1. Di, we haven’t seen enough churches and castles to say that yet – give us a couple more weeks and then perhaps I will be saying it. We will keep a look out for Heilberg castle and take photos if we make it to the top. Not sure about the Christmas markets though as i would like to be in Austria for Christmas – a white one of course. Missing you too. I am also missing the Saturday morning little training session and catchup. Thank you for the comments too Di we enjoy your tit-bits. xox

    1. It looks like that during the day, but you can imagine what it looks like at night – shame I can’t get a picture but it’s just too dark. It gets all lit up and is just spectacular. It looked like the Disney castle you see all lit up in their movies, quite breathtaking.

  3. You guys look like you are having an absolute blast!!

    Loving the stories and pictures, I almost feel like I’m a stow away!!

    Enjoy and stay safe


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